Some of the most precious family heirlooms are of minuscule monetary value. They become priceless due to the passion, time, and craftsmanship used to arrive at the final product. I remember back in 1984 me and my best friend would go to K-mart and get the tighest lowrider models we could find and spend the whole weekend building them. We took great pride throughout the assembly. My friend was also 4 years older than I and familiar with how to attach the electric engines from the Tyco fixed track mini cars to our models. Once our cars were completed we would attach a positive and negative electric charge to a 12 volt battery and watch them go front-back-side-side! Imagination is an amazing quality to have. My model cars were priceless!

That being said, check out this 51' Chevy Pickup Truck wet with Purple Candy slammed and the all crome old school Schwinn in the back. Awesome display of attention to detail! A 25 year old Rap Artist from Rollin Records that goes by the name of Zino built this along wit his dad (Ben Varela Sr.) After watching the trade his dad has been doing for over 20 years, he decided to jump in the game himself. He has been building these cars for a couple of years now and from the looks of things he is patient and talented!

It is good to see hobbies like this still being passed down from generation to generation. The time spent with a loved one, discipline required to complete, and posting on your mantle once done, gives you the sense of accomplishment that cannot be sold. That's a tight whip Zino. Can't wait to see more!
Author: C. Gonzales
That Truck Is Sick
ReplyDeletethat is fye,where can i get one?somebody please tell me-thanks