Early this morning I was searching for some positive news on CNN.COM and I came across an article on the California Condor. A beautiful majestic bird that is making an amazing comeback. 25 years ago this much needed species was completely extinct in the wild. It's numbers dwindled down to only 27 left in captivity. It was inspiring for me to read that there are now a total of 394 Condors, with 181 in the wild. That has not been seen since the 1930's. Great news right?
There are several reasons for the importance of the worlds largest flying bird to thrive on this planet. Their place on the living organisms food chain is completely snapped in half without the Condor. They are the above sea level scavengers that thousands of other species rely on. They feed off dead carcasses of deer, cattle, sheep, small animals, rabbits, and fish to name a few. They are basically Mother Natures clean up crew. The California Condor has evolved over time developing stomach and digestive enzymes that are impervious to diseases from eating decaying flesh, protecting all other animals and plants from obtaining killer ailments. About 50 other endangered animals and plants are able to gain populous ground from the Condors natural heroics. Still great news right?
Well there's a catch. The 181 Condors now in the wild from Arizona, Oregon, California, and Mexico are now eating marine carcasses, which is good, but the meat now contains a pesticide chemical called DDT. DDT is banned in the United States but the chemical enters the environment from use in other countries. This toxin causes the Condors eggs to thin. So when the mother sits on them to kept her babies warm, the eggs crush! However, wildlife conservationist are smart. With around the clock monitoring they steal the weak eggs from the nests in the wild and replace them with strong healthy eggs from captive Condors and place the weak ones in artificial incubators. Great move and a heart warming story.
Three things that concern me with this story.
1. The marine life whether dead, alive, or decaying, carry this toxin! Without question it must be in all seafood us humans eat as well. What are the consequences for us?
2. Fukashima; the dumping of 12,000 tons of radioactive water dumped into the ocean! Instantly affecting small protazoa, and plankton. Any person with a 6 grade education could understand that small animals eat bigger animals and so fourth.
3. The swapping of eggs is only a temporary solution. I'm sure conservationist know this, but the other countries need to stop using this toxin.
What to do, where to begin, how to help? I have no clue. I am just sad that the news highlights rehabilitation of Lindsey Lohan more that rehabilitating Mother Earth. We are destroying the future of LIFE at an unprecedented pace. Just do me a favor and analyze the info your fed and never neglect the big picture. What appears to be good news can just be smoke for the bad news dodged by the Main Stream Media.
Author: C. Gonzales
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