As I so often do when I roll out of bed on a Saturday morning at 11am, I grab one of my smart devices and hit up my Facebook page to check what my friends are talking about. The level of disscusion can range from Bible quotes, death of a loved one, cracking hilarious jokes, independent artistic support requests, men/women bashing, the word on the streets, to the exaltations of their favorite pharmaceutical and street drugs. I love Facebook because it is the land of raw expression whether truthful or not. Intentionally I have sought individuals with a like mind to myself. Those that love to spead and expose the fallacious nature of commerce.
One of my friends D. Bryant posted a You Tube video that was produced via CNN. A simple piece that detailed how 25% of the bottled water industry, acknowledged by the major corporations, is simply filtered tap water. The deception is apparent in the labels and packaging of the product at question. Pictures of a natural spring stream, thermal geysers, or a snowy mountain top. But on the back of the bottles they will have P.W.S. in small print which stands for Public Water Source (tap water).
I was excited by this video because it confirmed my natural instinct towards the right path that I have been on. People, for the last 4 years I have chose to live an "alternative lifestyle". By choice I live in my van and float the streets of Southern Cali; hence being in a position where access to running water is limited to the gym, park, public libraries, or a Starbucks when I want fast WIFI to transmit my experiences and knowledge to you.
So I rise out of my custom made memory foam posturepedic mattress, grateful for the overcast day and shade, and groom and clothe myself. I realized I was out of fresh water this morning to brush my teeth so I head to a spot that has the picture you see above. I grab 25 cents and fill my gallon water jug. I smiled at the machine because the water coming out of it is the exact same thing that is in most of the "bottled" water you might buy at the local Costco or grocery store for beyond a fraction of the cost! Check my break down.
For an average family of four, for which an experience in can personally attest to, you will go threw a case (24 bottles; 16 ounces per bottle, which ='s to approximately 3 gallons give or take a swig) of "bottled" tap water on an average of once every three days during the California summer months. The average cost of a case of "bottled" tap water is $6 bucks equaling $730 dollars per year. The discrepancy with the amount spent inside the grocery store versus right by the door on the way in, is as wide as the distance of the Grand Canyon for the same quality water! As you can see in the picture provided, it costs 75¢ per gallon at these locations. (family of four annual price $90.75; saving $630.25)
I provide you this analogy simply to give you something you may have overlooked or accepted. You are smarter than you think regardless if you are a baller or not, or are you? Me personally, I use the savings for nights I want to pull up by the ocean, pop my windows open, and have beach front property and Patron shots at a local taco Tuesday's for the night. But that's me. I just don't want you to be fooled by corporations like PepsiCo, Coca Cola Bottling, and several others pushing their Hallucinogenic H2O. Click on this link if your questioning my accuracy------> http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?xl=xl_blazer&v=saSgpX186MM
Peace and Love
Author: C. Gonzales
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